Our Key Stage 3 rationale is shaped by one question: What is the best History education that our students can leave school with?
Knowledge is power. The KS3 curriculum is designed to make the History offering at Axe Valley Academy knowledge rich; each scheme of work and each lesson has been designed to give all students the most powerful knowledge possible. This knowledge will allow students to make sense of the area they live in as well as their place in the wider world, giving them the awareness and abilities needed to participate in modern society.
The curriculum reflects what academics are doing. Students will handle historical sources, interpretations and explore historical sites in order to support their knowledge and understanding. The curriculum provides the academic rigour required to be able to study history at GCSE level and beyond. The topics have been carefully selected to develop prior knowledge and gives context for later study without repeating topics.
Students need to be able to reflect on their learning and understand how each topic is developing their Historical knowledge and skill. To make it make sense for our students, there are regular opportunities to reflect on their learning. The curriculum is underpinned through 4 key questions that are shared with students and regularly revisited:
How did people live?
How do we know about the past?
What did people believe? Political and religious beliefs
How were people ruled?
| Art | Computing | Drama | English | Geography | Health & Social Care | History | Languages | Mathematics | Music | Physical Education | PSHE | Religious Education | Science | Technology |